Using a dildo for anal play can bring pleasure to both men and women. However, it's crucial to follow proper techniques to ensure safety and comfort. This article offers tips on using a dildo for anal play, such as selecting the appropriate size and shape, preparing beforehand, and using lubrication.

To use a dildo for anal play, first pick the right size and shape. Anal dildos are smaller and slimmer than vaginal ones, with a tapered tip for easier insertion. Start with a small size and work up slowly to avoid discomfort or injury. Some anal dildos have a flared base or handle to prevent them from getting lost inside the body, which is important for safety.

Understanding Anal Play

Many people find anal play enjoyable, but it's important to know the basics before trying it. The anus has many nerve endings, making it sensitive for some people. However, it's important to remember that the anus doesn't produce its own lubrication like the vagina does. So, using enough lubrication is necessary to prevent any discomfort or harm.

Before starting any anal play, it's crucial to ensure that the person is calm and at ease. The anus naturally resists penetration, so it's important to proceed slowly and give the body time to relax. Taking deep breaths and using relaxation techniques can be useful in achieving a relaxed state.

When you first try anal play, use smaller toys or fingers to let your body get used to the feeling. Make sure to talk to your partner and pay attention to their feedback so that you both have a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Anal play can be fun and enjoyable if done safely and with consent. Go slow, use lots of lube, and talk to your partner to make sure it's a good experience.

Choosing the Right Dildo

When selecting a dildo for anal use, there are a few important factors to think about. Here are some points to remember:


Firstly, it's crucial to select a body-friendly material. Dildos made from safe materials such as medical-grade silicone or stainless steel are excellent choices. It's best to steer clear of materials like jelly or PVC, as they may contain harmful chemicals.


When it comes to playing with the anus, the size of the toy is important. Make sure to select a dildo that has a length you find comfortable to insert. It is crucial to begin with smaller sizes and gradually progress to larger ones.

Flared Base

It's important to have a wide base on a dildo for anal play. This helps prevent the dildo from getting stuck inside the anus, which can be risky. Make sure to choose dildos with a wide, flared base to stay safe.


The shape of the dildo can affect how you feel. Some people like a straight and smooth one, while others like one with curves or ridges for more sensation. Think about what you like best.


It's crucial to use lots of lubrication when using a dildo anally. This helps avoid any discomfort or harm. Make sure to select a good-quality, water-based lubricant that is safe to use with your chosen dildo material.

By considering these factors, you can confidently choose the appropriate dildo for your anal play requirements.

Essential Accessories

If you want to use a dildo anally, there are some things you should have to make it better. Here are some important things to think about:


Lube is very important for anal play. It helps make things smoother and more comfortable, so it's more enjoyable and safer. There are different kinds of lube you can use, like water-based and silicone-based options. Water-based lube is a common choice because it works well with all types of sex toys and is easy to clean. Silicone-based lube is also a good option because it lasts longer and doesn't dry out as fast as water-based lube. However, you can't use silicone-based lube with silicone toys. Überlube is a high-quality silicone-based lube that many people who enjoy anal play like to use.


Using a condom on your sex toy can improve cleanliness and simplify the cleaning process. It can also enhance safety when sharing toys with partners. Remember to choose a condom that is compatible with the lubricant you prefer.

Anal Douche

Using an anal douche before anal play can make things cleaner and more comfortable. Make sure to use a douche made for anal use and follow the instructions closely.


It's useful to have some towels nearby for cleaning up and to keep your bedding or furniture safe while playing.

Relaxation Aids

Some people find that using relaxation techniques like deep breathing or anal relaxation can make the experience more comfortable and enjoyable. It's important to pay attention to your body and take things at a relaxed pace.

In general, using the correct accessories can enhance your anal dildo experience, making it more enjoyable and comfortable. It is important to select good-quality items and carefully follow instructions to ensure a safe and pleasurable experience.

Preparation for Anal Play

Before using a dildo for anal play, it's crucial to take some steps to get ready. This will make sure that the experience is pleasant, secure, and enjoyable. Here are some tips to help you prepare for anal play:


When engaging in anal play with your partner, it's crucial to talk to each other. Discuss any worries or likes beforehand. This will make sure that both of you feel at ease and know what to anticipate.

Simple and Relaxed

When getting ready for anal play, it's best to keep it easy and calm. Begin with a small dildo and gradually move up to bigger ones as you feel more at ease. It's also crucial to loosen up the muscles in your anus and take your time to prevent any discomfort.

Bowel Movement

Going to the bathroom before doing anal play can make it feel better. It helps to put less pressure on the bottom. It's also important to clean the area well before starting.

In summary, it is important to prepare well for anal play to have a safe and enjoyable experience. Talking to your partner, keeping things easygoing, and having a bowel movement beforehand can all contribute to a more comfortable and pleasurable experience.

Getting Started

If you're new to using a dildo anally or haven't tried it before, it's crucial to take it slow and be patient. Here are some helpful tips to begin:


Before using a dildo in the anus, it's crucial to feel aroused and calm. You can achieve this by engaging in foreplay, like kissing, touching, or using a vibrator on the outer areas of the anus. This will help to relax the muscles and make inserting the dildo easier.


Using your fingers to explore the anus can be a good way to begin. It helps you become familiar with the feeling and understand what feels pleasurable. Start with one finger and gradually increase to two or three fingers before trying a dildo.


Using lubrication is very important when using a dildo anally. The anus does not naturally produce its own lubrication, so it is crucial to use a water-based lubricant to avoid any discomfort or harm. Before inserting the dildo, make sure to apply a good amount of lubricant to both the dildo and the anus.


When using a dildo, it's crucial to take your time and pay attention to how your body feels. Begin by gently inserting the tip of the dildo and slowly continue pushing it in, stopping if you experience any discomfort. If you're having trouble inserting the dildo, you can experiment with different positions or opt for a smaller size.

Make sure to go at your own pace and talk to your partner if you're using a dildo together. With practice and patience, using a dildo anally can be a fun and pleasurable experience.

Anal Penetration Techniques

If you want to try anal penetration, go slow and use lots of lube. These tips can help make it feel better:

1. Relaxation

To have successful anal penetration, it's important to relax. The anal sphincter is a muscle that needs to be relaxed to allow penetration. You can relax by taking deep breaths, relaxing your pelvic floor muscles, and using relaxation techniques.

2. Positioning

Finding the right position can make a big difference during anal penetration. Here are some positions you can try:

Doggy style: This position allows for deeper penetration and gives the receiver more control.

Spooning: This position is great for beginners as it allows for a gentler and more comfortable experience.

Missionary: This position allows for intimate face-to-face contact and is a good choice for those who prefer a slower pace.

3. Lubrication

It is important to use enough lubrication when engaging in anal penetration. Unlike the vagina, the anus does not produce its own lubrication, so it is necessary to use a high-quality lubricant to avoid any discomfort or harm. Silicone-based lubricants are a good choice because they last longer and are less likely to dry out.

4. Gradual Penetration

Start slowly and work your way up to deeper penetration. Begin with a smaller dildo or butt plug to prepare for larger toys or a partner's penis. Take breaks if necessary and talk to your partner during the experience.

Don't forget, anal penetration can feel good if you do it safely and with consent. Try different positions and techniques to discover what feels best for you.

Advanced Anal Play

If you've tried anal play before and want to go further, advanced anal play can bring even more pleasure. Here are some tips and techniques for those who want to explore advanced anal play.

Prostate Play

Prostate play is a highly favored type of advanced anal stimulation. The prostate, a gland found in males, can be pleasured by gently pressing against its front wall through the anus using a finger or a prostate massager. This can lead to powerful orgasms and a sense of being completely satisfied.

G-Spot Play

If you have a vagina, you can also stimulate the G-spot by engaging in anal play. The G-spot is situated on the front wall of the vagina and can be reached through the anus. To experience intense pleasure, use a curved dildo or vibrator to apply pressure on the G-spot.

Fullness Play

Another part of advanced anal play is the sensation of being completely filled up. This can be accomplished by using bigger toys or by wearing a butt plug for a longer duration. It can bring a great deal of pleasure and a feeling of contentment.

Safety Tips

When doing advanced anal play, it's crucial to be safe. Use lots of lubrication, begin with smaller toys and gradually move to bigger ones, and never push anything forcefully into the anus. Also, make sure to clean the toys well before and after using them to avoid infections.

If you want to have an even more enjoyable and satisfying experience with advanced anal play, try these tips and techniques.

Using Different Types of Anal Sex Toys

There are many toys for anal play that can make it more enjoyable. Here are some of the most common ones and how to use them:

Butt Plugs

Butt plugs are good for beginners because they are small and easy to put in. They come in different sizes and shapes, so you can choose one that fits you. To use a butt plug, put lots of lube on it and slowly put it in your bottom. You can keep it in while you do other things or wear it secretly all day for fun.

Anal Beads

Anal beads are a string of small beads that get bigger as you go along. You can use them alone or with someone else. To use them, put lots of lube on them and slowly put them in your butt, one bead at a time. When they're inside, you can carefully pull them out while having an orgasm for a really strong feeling.

Harness and Strap-On Play

Harnesses and strap-ons are useful for couples who want to try anal play together. A harness is worn around the waist and keeps a dildo in position for penetration. To use a harness, select a dildo that suits your body and preferences in terms of size and shape. Apply a generous amount of lubricant and gradually and gently insert the dildo into the anus.


Vibrators can enhance pleasure during anal play. Bullet vibrators are small and inconspicuous, while wand vibrators offer stronger vibrations. To use a vibrator for anal play, use plenty of lubrication and insert it slowly and gently into the anus. Try out different vibration settings to discover the most enjoyable sensation.

It's crucial to use lots of lube and take it slow when using any anal sex toy. Talking openly with your partner is also important to make sure the experience is safe and enjoyable.

Cleaning and Storage

It is important to clean your dildo regularly to maintain hygiene and make it last longer. Here are some tips on how to clean it after use:

Clean your dildo with warm water and mild soap. Don't use harsh chemicals or rough materials that could harm it.

If it's made of silicone, glass, or stainless steel, you can boil it in water for a few minutes to make sure it's clean. But don't boil dildos made of materials that can't handle heat.

If your dildo has bumps or grooves, use a soft brush to clean them well.

Rinse it with water and dry it with a towel. Don't let it air dry because that could make bacteria grow on it.

After cleaning your dildo, it's crucial to store it correctly to prevent harm and infection. Here are some suggestions for storing your dildo:

Keep your dildo in a clean and dry place, away from sunlight and heat.

Don't store it with other toys that could harm it. If you have a storage pouch or box, use it to keep your dildo clean.

Don't let your toys touch each other, especially if they are made of different materials.

If your dildo is made of silicone, keep it away from other toys to prevent damage. 

To keep your dildo clean and in good condition for future use, follow these easy tips.

Safety Measures

Using a dildo in the anus can be enjoyable, but it's crucial to prioritize safety to prevent any harm or discomfort. Here are a few important points to remember:

Choose a Body-Safe Material

When picking a dildo for anal play, it's crucial to choose a safe material. Stay away from materials that can hold bacteria or cause irritation or allergies. Body-safe silicone is a common option for sex toys because it's easy to clean, hypoallergenic, and non-porous. Glass and stainless steel are also safe materials to use.

Use Lubrication

It is important to use a lot of lubrication when using a dildo anally. Unlike the vagina, the anus does not produce its own lubrication. To avoid discomfort and tearing, it is best to use a water-based or silicone-based lubricant that reduces friction. It is not recommended to use oil-based lubricants as they can damage certain materials and increase the risk of infection.

Start Slowly and Gradually

When using a dildo anally, start slowly with a small size and increase gradually. This will help your body adjust and prevent injury. If you feel any pain or discomfort, stop and listen to your body.

Avoid Numbing Creams

Don't use numbing creams for anal play because they can hide pain and make it easier to get hurt. Pain is your body's signal that something is wrong, so it's important to pay attention and stop if you feel uncomfortable. If you're in pain, try using more lube or a smaller toy.

To safely enjoy using a dildo for anal play without any harm or discomfort, just follow these safety guidelines.